a blog of what I wanted to say about my life including my favorites & interests
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
An Awesome 'Threesome' Xperience With My Fave DJ On RX
June 24, 2013 --- That was yesterday. And indeed it was another date to remember. Here's the story.
I was watching The Fugitive: Plan B, a Korean drama with English subtitles starring Bi Rain on KBS World (Channel 75 on Sky Cable). At the same time, I was online on Twitter. I just saw Monster Radio RX93.1 DJ Tom Alvarez's tweet because he's on air for RX Threesome segment in his program called The Late Nite Clinic where he's playing three songs from one artist. It was 11:45 pm when I tried to call the phone number that he mentioned on his tweet. It was ringing. Someone from that radio station answered. I doubted at first place as I waited for few minutes. During that short commercial break, DJ Tom Alvarez talked to me via phone. He asked for who's my threesome artist. I chose the British band Lawson but unfortunately they only had 2 songs from that artist: Standing in the Dark and Brokenhearted. My second choice was Demi Lovato, one of my favorite female singers from Disney's Camp Rock. I asked for Heart Attack, This Is Me, and Skyscraper. Those were my top 3 favorite songs from her. I greeted some people on air and had a little chat with my favorite DJ. I was a little bit nervous and it's my first time on that show. After I was on air, I quickly turned on my radio to listen what I requested on Threesome. As a bonus, he played my favorite song from Lawson called Standing in the Dark as he wrapped up his show before the clock strike 2:00 am.
Demi Lovato - Heart Attack
Demi Lovato feat. Joe Jonas - This is Me
Demi Lovato - Skyscraper
Lawson - Standing in the Dark
Well, I first heard Tom Alvarez from Monster Radio RX93.1 on that same show while I was studying for my exams during senior high school. I enjoyed listening to him because he's granting three songs from favorite artist plus he has a nice voice on radio. Then last year, a Facebook friend told us to listen to a show called JinTomia where it had a segment for KPop fans called 'KPop Goes My Heart'. I wrote a blog about that show titled The JinTomia Addiction. The male DJ's voice was so familiar that I heard before. I realized that he was the voice behind the Threesome show when I turned on my radio during late night.
Requesting songs on radio, being on air, and talking to a friendly DJ was really an experience. I enjoyed a lot especially for a first timer on Monster Radio RX93.1 like me. And I want to meet him and take a picture with him soon. I think if I would meet him personally, he is manly like his voice that I heard on airwaves and he's much more handsome than seeing him on pictures posted by the radio station's official Facebook page. (Maybe soon I'll be visiting him at the station while he's on duty or at his office would be awesome!!!)
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